bee pollen

What Are Some Benefits Of Bee Pollen For Dogs: How To Feed It

As dog owners, we are always interested in coming across things that are natural and will help our dog with their health.

One such natural supplement is bee pollen which has a great amount of nutrients in it.

This has long been used by humans because of its countless health benefits but you can also feed it to your dogs to help boost their energy, digestion and a long list of other things.

So What Exactly Is A Bee Pollen?

If this is your first time hearing about this, bee pollen is found in the form of a powder which is collected by bees from flowers and plants hence the name ‘bee pollen’. Usually beekeepers harvest bee pollen using their special traps that collect pollen when bees enter the hive.

This contains almost every important nutrient that your dog needs making it a complete and healthy meal for your dog.

What Are Some Significant Benefits Of Introducing Bee Pollen To My Dog 

There are countless health benefits of introducing bee pollen to your dogs, here are some of the most important ones that we think will convince you.

1 – Contains Vitamin B And proteins

Bee pollen contains a decent amount of vitamin B and proteins which are responsible for generating energy in your dog as well as strengthening their muscle. If your dog is slow both on the mental and physical side of it, introducing bee pollens into their meal should help a lot.

But that’s not all! Even if your dog tends to remain active and even participates in competitions and now you’re looking to get that pinch of competitive edge, you can feed your dog with bee pollen for some extra energy.

2 – Relieve Allergies

While intuitively it may not make any sense to give bee pollens to dogs with allergies, bee pollen has shown great potential in managing allergies especially those seasonal allergies. You just need to feed them bee pollen in a little amount and you will notice reduced allergic response in your dog overtime, similar to how allergy shots work for us humans.

3 – Helps With Digestion

Enzymes are found in a huge amount in bee pollens which helps with proper digestion. 

If you have slightly aged dogs who struggle with digestion or simply have other related problems like constipation, diarrhea and similar, bee pollens can help in improving all those aspects of your dog’s digestive health. 

It also consists of amylase, lipase, and protease which is useful in breaking down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins which makes it easier for your dog to absorb all the nutrients in their food.

How To Introduce Bee Pollen To Your Dog’s Diet

Above were some of the many benefits of dog pollen for your dogs which hopefully have persuaded you to give it some thought. 

Otherwise, if you are someone who is convinced at this point and keen on adding this as a part of your dog’s meal, here’s some instructions on how you can go about introducing this super meal into your dog’s diet.

1 – Start With Small Amounts

Introducing this super meal into your dog’s diet is quite simple and one of the most basic tips on getting started with this is to start off slow and in a small quantity.

About 1/4 teaspoon will be a good starting point and you can keep on increasing the amount as needed overtime.

2 – Choose A High-quality Supplement 

When you are shopping for bee pollen supplements, lookout for the ones that are free from additives, filters and pesticides as these things may end up negatively affecting your dog’s well being.

3 – Mix With Food Or Water

Spend enough time mixing bee pollen with your dog’s food or water well as that’s only going to make it easier for your dog to consume the finished meal. Also, don’t hesitate to add this to their snacks for some extra nutritional boost.


Bee pollen can increase your dog’s energy level, improve its skin health, and reduce inflammation, all of which contribute to its well-being. Just make sure you are careful when you first introduce this to your dog, starting off slowly and then gradually increasing the amount of bee pollens.

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