Dog grooming

The 06 Most Important Tips for Grooming Your Dog This Summer

Dog grooming in summer is a rather problematic time for the dogs as the hot weather, high levels of humidity, and different outdoor activities are affecting the hygienic coat of the dogs. Summertime activities require extra care when bathing, trimming, and taking your dog for a walk during summer to avoid health complications. This is mostly because brushing serves to minimize forming of mats and tangles, which are painful to the skin.

One should wash animals with corporate and due diligence to prevent removal of natural oils to prevent scratching, trimming fur, and checking ears and nails to keep the dogs clean to avoid infections. The other element that needs to be pointed out about skin care is hydration and the use of moisturizers. According to the above grooming tips, it is very possible to make your dog feel comfortable all through the summer season.

Why Summer Grooming is Important for Dogs

Grooming in summer is important for dogs because of several conditions that influence the health of the pets during the summer period. Temperature regulation is important; grooming also assists in helping prevent your dog from overheating, thus preventing heat stroke, and assists in the management of your dog’s coat. As an outcome of this, fur becomes prone to the capture and holding of heat and moisture, thus causing discomfort and skin irritations, therefore, preventing the formation of mats and tangles is a major grooming process.

In addition, the summer season is the most appropriate time for the fleas and the ticks, which are famous for hot weather. The abatement of pests is another area where grooming can assist since this act assists in ridding them and minimizing pest infestations. Furthermore, people are involved in many summer activities, and exposure to the sun can cause skin problems, so that is why skincare is of major importance in grooming.

During grooming, it is easier to check whether your dog has any issues with their skin; whether it is irritated, red, or inflamed among other symptoms. Therefore, when grooming your dog, you should focus on these areas to avoid exposing your dog to the above summer-related grooming troubles. It’s also crucial for pet owners to gain more knowledge or sharpen their grooming skills by taking dog grooming classes or joining a pet care academy.

06 Most Important Dog Grooming Tips for Summer

When its summer the sun is very hot, therefore, you should ensure that you groom your dog more often than before. Bath not only makes your dog look smart and stylish but also is one of the most important aspects of the care of its body. During this season, many dogs and other pets are often outdoors and in hot weather, so we should pay attention to these six tips for grooming to keep the pets comfortable.

  1. Regular Brushing

Brushing is another critical factor during summer grooming since it minimizes on formation of tangles and mats on the body of the dog. Thus, it also serves as a preventive measure against uncomfortable feelings and possible skin irritations and problems. For optimal results, it is advisable to use the right brush for your dog’s breed; the slicker brushes should be used on long-coated breeds, while bristle brushes should be used for short-coated breeds.

  1. Frequent Bathing

Dogs should regularly be bathed to be clean and cool especially when the sun is scorching in the summer. Nonetheless, potential excessive bathing has to be moderated because the skin’s natural oils can be washed off and leave the coat unprotected. Try to bathe your dog approximately every 3-4 weeks and use a mild and gentle soap that should not harm your dog’s skin or coat.

  1. Proper Trimming

Neat cutting is important in regulating the body temperature of your pet, this is because trimming their coat ensures that it is not too thick thus regulating their temperatures. During summer, do not shave your skin too close to the skin, to reduce the contraction of sunburns, but trim it to a reasonable length. Trimming around the paws and ears is also relevant as it makes the dog more comfortable and reduces the chances of an infection taking hold.

  1. Check and Clean Ears

Ear problems can be a result of summer activities and heat; hence, ears should be examined and cleaned often. Look at your dog’s ears for signs of dirt, moisture, or an infection regularly. Buy a good quality ear cleaner, which has been recommended by your veterinarian, to ensure that the ears remain dry and free from buildup that could cause ear infection or discomfort to your dog.

  1. Maintain Nail Health

Dogs’ nails should also be trimmed from time to time to prevent discomfort and the formation of cracks or splits. Ideally, they should be given every 3-4 weeks or depending on their level of activities. It is important to wear nails closely so that they do not get entangled or even lead to cuts.

  1. Hydration and Skin Care

Make sure your dog always has fresh water to drink so that it does not feel stressed when the weather is hot. If your dog is losing fur, or the fur looks dull, greasy, scaly, or feels rough, then use skin moisturizer that is recommended by the veterinarian to keep the skin healthy and avoid rough and dry skin leading to irritation.

How Often Should a Dog Bathe in Summer?

The grooming of your dog in summer depends on the breed of the dog, the type of coat it has, and the level of its activity. Bathing a dog once in 3 to 4 weeks should be sufficient for most dogs to be clean and comfortable while at the same time preventing your dog’s coat from being stripped of its natural layer of oils. Thus, dogs that are used frequently for walking in the park or are more playful and have a habit of making themselves dirty might need frequent baths.

On the other hand, one should bathe a dog with sensitive skin or a dog with a skin problem such as dry skin less frequently. That is the reason why it is always advisable to come up with a bathing regimen that suits your dog and always seek the veterinarian’s advice when unsure.

Best Times to Visit a Professional Dog Groomer in Summer Heat

When it is hot, the best thing to do is to schedule a grooming appointment when the sun is not at its peak in the sky. The best time to go for groomers is in the early morning or late in the evening since it is not extremely hot like in the middle of the day. Scheduling grooming sessions during such hours, helps minimize the heat stress that your dog may be subject to during the grooming exercise. Staying away from these scorching hours also makes it easier for the pet to be dealt with without stressing him/her, thus making the grooming process more enjoyable and safer for your pet.


Certain grooming practices are recommended to be done to the dog during summer for easy regulation. Following these grooming tips assists in ensuring that your pet is well cooled, washed, and as comfortable as possible during the summer season. According to the mentioned practices, one can make sure that the pet has an enjoyable and comfortable summer. Those who would like to gain more knowledge or sharpen their grooming skills will find many professional dog grooming courses online. This knowledge and the techniques that you will be able to get from these courses are also very useful for the appropriate treatment of your dog.

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