Dogs communicate a lot through their body language and expressions. However, they don’t use words like humans do. That’s why it’s so important for dog owners to understand what their furry friends are trying to say without words. By learning to read their body signals, you can avoid scaring or upsetting your pup and know how best to interact with them. Let’s take a look at some common dog body language cues and what they might mean.
Positioning and Wagging of the Tail
The tail is one of the most expressive features of a dog. When a dog wails, it usually indicates that it is content and amiable. However, the wag’s location and pace can reveal more information. An indication that your dog is excited to play or meet you is when their entire back wags. A low tail between the legs may indicate submission, fear, anxiety, or pacification. Your dog is experiencing anxiety or fear. A stiff, slow wag could be an indication of nervousness or uncertainty. Take extra care if you see this. When your dog’s tail is tucked down low and not at all wagged, it is a clear indication that it feels scared and could respond aggressively if left alone.
Maintain Eye Contact
Dog eyes express emotions much like human eyes do. Dogs, however, may find excessive eye contact to be intimidating or hostile, unlike humans. Warm, amiable eyes that flicker between your face and other objects convey curiosity without being menacing. When your dog exhibits signs of discomfort, such as bared teeth or hard eye contact, it could become violent if left unattended or unsupervised. Depending on other body language, avoiding eye contact by turning away or down could indicate fear, anxiety, or acquiescence. Give them space.
Mouth Expressions
Keep an eye on the placement of your tongue, lips, and teeth. A canine companion may:
Pant shows delight by wiggling his tail and opening his jaws and tongue. Use your lips, nose, or face to make a welcome, show affection, or satisfy someone. Request to play by gently biting or mouthing; do not press or pierce flesh.
However, the following are red flags related to the mouth:
This isn’t a smile—lips pulled back or curled to reveal teeth! The dog is posing a danger. Dogs that growl or snarl indicate that they do not want to be touched and may become hostile if they are disturbed repeatedly. You can become proficient at interpreting your own dog’s nonverbal signs with a little observation. Proceed cautiously to prevent undesirable conduct while honoring.
Body state
Dogs’ general attitude and posture have symbolic importance. A fluid, carefree figure in a sideways position conveys interest and a non-threat attitude. Conversely, awareness is communicated by an erect, rigid posture and a fixed gaze. It is a warning indicator if the hair appears lifted, particularly in the area around the neck. A low, hunched position conveys fear or submission. A play bow is an invitation to play; it is made with the front end dropping and the hindquarters elevated. When combined with other cues, posture reveals feelings and intentions.
Signals of Calm
Dogs are good at reducing tension by sending out relaxing signals. These include sniffing the ground, yawning, lip-licking, turning away, and tense facial expressions. If your typically amiable dog begins exhibiting traits without any apparent cause, go with caution and modify your actions. Your dog may be attempting to non-confrontationally indicate that its warning threshold is being crossed. Recognize their cues and move away till they become more at ease.
Nature of the ears
The location of the ears is very telling, much like the tail. Curious, attentive, and interested are typically indicated by perky ears that point forward. Happiness and tranquillity are indicated by relaxed, drawn-back ears. Conversely, tucking ears in close to the head indicates that your dog is defensive or feels threatened. An additional indicator of rage, fear, or doubt is low-slanted back ears. If there is any stress or possible confrontation with your dog, it is especially crucial to pay attention to their ear position.
Listen to the voice of the dog
There are diverse meanings associated with various barks, growls, and whines. The pitch of play barks is usually higher. A growl, low and menacing, is a warning. Whining can occasionally be a sign of anxiety, fear, or attention-seeking. Yelps typically indicate discomfort or suffering for your dog.
All things considered, interpreting body language in dogs is similar to picking up a new language in that it evolves with practice. Interpretation skills will improve with practice. Remember to take into account both the finer points and the larger picture. Additionally, maintain an understanding and open mindset to win your pet’s trust and confidence. The human-canine link will only get stronger with constant emphasis on communication.