vet on-demand app

Vet On-demand App: Make Pet Care Convenient and Affordable for All

In this day and age where technology has become a part of everything, why should pet care be left out? With the help of a vet on-demand app, professional veterinary services are available at the touch of a button, allowing pet parents to get medical facilities 24×7.

The global market for on-demand pet apps is increasing incredibly! Will you believe that, according to research, it’s estimated that by 2027, the market valuation of on-demand vet apps will reach $2.08 billion?

In short, the industry is all set to skyrocket. 

Do you want to tap the market and offer the most convenient and affordable services to your customers?

Let’s see how you can get started. But first, let’s see what on-demand veterinary apps are:

What Are On-demand Vet Apps?

As the name suggests, on-demand vet apps enable pet owners to quickly connect with nearby veterinarians and get medical assistance. Through the app, users can easily book consultations with professionals and schedule in-person appointments.

To help users, the app also integrates several features, such as:

  • Video chat: pet owners can easily consult with a vet and get answers to all their questions without physically visiting the vet.
  • Book instant services: with an on-demand vet app, your users can schedule appointments with vets as well as request a quick service. Online service booking can save users time and all the other hassles involving visiting the clinic for consultation purposes.
  • Find the vets: your users can use the application to easily find out vets near them and book all the services they want.

Well, these are just a few features your users can enjoy on this application. There are tons of other features you can integrate into the system and alter it depending on your customer’s needs.

Vet On-demand App: Features You Cannot Miss

Listed below are some fantastic features you cannot miss to integrate into your application. Take a careful look at them and see how big of a difference can they make.

In-app notifications

Offering the facility of automated notifications will allow your users to get updates on their booked services in a jiffy. For example, your users will be able to see these service statuses:

  • “The vet has accepted your service request.”
  • “Your booking is confirmed.”
  • “1 message from your vet.”

Moreover, you, as the app administrator, can also use the feature to share the news or upcoming deals or events.  This way, you’ll be able to interact with your customers easily and keep them eager to check your notifications!

Live chat

Your users can also live chat with the vet if they want to clarify their questions. The real-time in-app chatting feature makes it possible for the vet and the user to connect without sharing details like their email, phone number, and so on.

Moreover, by using over-the-internet services, users and vets can save on telecom charges.

Login with Face ID or fingerprint recognition

It’s common to forget usernames and passwords. As a result, the app incorporates Face ID and fingerprint recognition login methods to eliminate all the hassles and allow users to quickly log into the app.

This login feature allows users to save time and avoid having to reset passwords, remember usernames, jot them down everywhere, and so on.

Rate and review

Your users can easily share their ratings and reviews with other pet parents via the app. In short, using the feedback, other pet owners can make informed decisions when hiring a vet.

Based on their true experience, users can rate and review the on-demand vet services. Also, they get the option to mark one of the vets they’ve previously booked as a ‘favorite’!

Advantages of launching a Vet On-Demand app

Here are the benefits of launching your on-demand app for booking veterinary services:

Online consultation with a vet

Using the application, your users can easily book an online video consultation with a licensed vet.

Such a great service will allow your users to get the best advice for their pet’s health without stepping out of their homes to visit a clinic in person.

Therefore, offering online service booking is the most convenient way for your users to get pet care services at home.

Find the best vets nearby

On-demand apps for booking vet services can help your users find the best professionals near their location.

Through the app, users will be able to see where the vets are on the map and sort out who is closest to their location.

While choosing the service provider, users can also see various details about the vet, including their name, ratings and reviews, portfolio, service charges, etc.

To put it simply, the app makes it easier for pet owners to find a good vet nearby without getting recommendations from their friends and family members.

Hassle-free service booking

Your vet app users can book the services they want without worrying too much. If they want to book an appointment instantly for a video consult with the vet or an in-clinic visit, they can click on “Book Now”.

On the other hand, to schedule the services, the user can simply click on “Book Later”. Tapping on the book later option will allow them to choose the date and time when they wish to get the service.

Build Your On-demand Veterinary App

The question is, how can you build your on-demand app for vet service booking? You basically have two options here:

1. Build it from scratch

To build the app, you need to design it, build a prototype, test it, and then launch it. To be honest, the process is way too lengthy.

No one has the time or patience to develop the app from scratch when the competition in the market is so tough.

Moreover, this app development process is expensive as it involves hiring an in-house team, paying them, retaining them, building infrastructure, etc.

2. Buy a ready-made app

The second option is where you can buy the ready-made application, white-label it as per your branding, and go live.

This process is much easier because it only involves customizing the application as per your needs and then going live on the app stores.

It merely takes one to two weeks to develop the application using a ready-made solution. In contrast to app development from the ground up, ready-made apps are cheaper.

Final Words

In a nutshell, if you want to launch your vet on-demand app easily and quickly in the market, get a pre-built solution. Thoroughly search the market before you finalize a solution.

Check the websites of the app developers, go through their portfolios, video testimonials, and more!

Until and unless you find an option that 100% suits your business requirements, keep your hunt for the solution going.

Hire white-labeling experts who have been in this business for a long time and have real experience building apps for clients.

So, don’t waste your time contemplating the business idea; start your research to find your users and what they need.

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